Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Baking bread as a gentle revolution against capital forces on the Swedish Cultural show KOBRA, 08.12.09 at 21.30. Can also be viewed streaming for a month.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
350.org’s International Day of Climate Action at ecoartspace NYC
Alchemy showing as part of Ecoartspace 350 climateactionday event in NYC.
350.org’s International Day of Climate Action at ecoartspace NYC
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival
"Alchemy" has been chosen as an official selection for the 8th Annual Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival being held in Nevada City, CA on January 15-17, 2010.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
To communicate climate-change is a matter of transforming our very thinking and changing our actions. This was the focus for my collaboration with PLAN, an interdisciplinary project researching the potentials and limits of adaptation as a response to climate change. http://www.iss.uio.no/forskning/plan/aktuelt/2009/2009-09-23.html
Friday, 4 September 2009
Local Food - how to make it happen
Book launch: Totnes (Devon) on October 1st, and another in London on the 13th of October.
Forskningstorget i Tromsø 2009 - FORVANDLINGER/TRANSFORMATIONS
Sustainability and adaptation are the two main threads running through the PLAN-project stand during the Research-days in Tromsø. I am collaborating to make a "transformation" tent and two mind-maps for expansion, playing and thinking about ways of transforming our thinking and actions in order to create sustainable futures for all living creatures on this planet.
18.09.2009 from 11:00-15:00 and 19.09.2009 from 11:00-15:00
Marketsquare in Tromsø
Cafédialogue about vibrant communities
It is clear that the big economical, ecological and cultural challenges we are facing today cannot be solved within the framework of our current thinking. In this project we are focusing on the potential for development of a more integrated society. We want to contribute to rising new questions that opens up long-term, global solutions applicable to local and regional levels.
Det er i dag stor forståelse for at mange av de økonomiske, økologiske og kulturelle utfordringene samfunnet står overfor, i liten grad lar seg løse innenfor rammene av etablerte tankemønstre.I dette prosjektet retter vi oppmerksomheten mot det store potensialet for utvikling som ligger i å se ulike samfunnssektorer i en større sammenheng. Vi ønsker å bidra til å stille nye spørsmål som åpner for langsiktige og globale løsninger som kan settes ut i livet på lokalt og regionalt nivå.
Speakers/Inviterte innledere:
Dag Andersen - Redaktør, forfatter og planlegger
Eva Bakkeslett - Kunstner og skribent
Georg Hegglund - Salten Regionråd
Vidar Rune Synnevåg - Økobonde og arkitekt
Berit Woje Berg - Politiker
Øystein Nystad
Ove Jakobsen
Alchemy in Berlin
Alchemy was showing at the Globians Doc Festival in Berlin on Thursday, 13 August 2009.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
The Growth of the Soil
For those of you familiar with Hamsun you will recognize the title. This was a workshop for children catching the spirit of nature through inspiration from the famous writer and poet Knut Hamsun who was brought up around here. His work was hugely inspired (from latin inspirare - to breathe) by the spirit of nature. I wanted to sensitize the children and wake them up to the wonders of their close neighborhood - to smell the moss, taste the bark, have eye-contact with the worms and drink the air! I wanted them to find a special place in the woods and SENSE the place and give it a gift that they thought the place needed. We worked with magnifying glasses, microscopes, ink and twigs and tissuepaper. We borrowed Hamsuns own words and collaged them into new and unexpected meanings, and made pallets covered with natures own delightful colours. On the last of 3 days we made a soup with the growth of the soil - wild delights like nettles and groundelder, and invited parents and friends for a feast!
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Monday, 16 March 2009
Panel discussion after screening at MoMA with curator Candida Paltiel and Catherine Van Campen.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Organized by i/o/lab and run by SymbioticA’s director, Oron Catts and laboratory research scientist Katharine Adcroft.
Stavanger, November 2008
I participated in the intensive four day workshop dealing with hands on exploration of biological technologies and issues stemming from their use. The practical components included DNA extraction and fingerprinting, genetic engineering, plant and animal tissue culture and basic tissue engineering techniques. These tools of modern biology were demonstrated and performed through artistic engagement, which in turn opened discussion about the broader philosophical and ethical implications into the extent of human intervention with other living things. Emphasis was placed on developing critical thought, ethical issues and cross-disciplinary experimentation in art.
Broadcast on national TV - Culturenews
Documentation on Youtube:
Reportage in Billedkunst (Art magazine – in Norwegian only)
Alchemy has been selected to show at MoMA, New York during Documentary Fortnight 2009.
Friday, February 20, 2009, 6:00 p.m., Theater 1, T1
See also the blog for Alchemy on: http://poeticsofbread.blogspot.com/
Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival, Toronto, October 2008
"A poetic evocation on the alchemy of bread brings the act of baking the most basic of staples, into a high art form. Here nature and human culture collude. Hands pounding, mixing, kneading and stretching, reveal the choreographed rhythms and movements of bread making. Alchemy is a beautifully executed and lyrical film about an activity once ubiquitous in almost every household."
...making the invisible visible
A circular conversation between joik and the ocean. Performance with Johan Anders Bær, International Conference on Globalization and Challenges for Oceans and Marine Regions organized by the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Oslo, August 2008
"Our earth consists of 71% water and yet we call it earth, says the Swedish writer Isabella Lövin.
We humans also consist of around 70% water.
It is not a coincidence.
We are born from water and depend on it for our survival.
Without water we cannot live. We are inseparable."
Direct Connections – a circular conversation between joik and aesthetics by Eva Bakkeslett and Johan Anders Bær.
Art of Adaptation, Fritdjof Nansen Institute, Oslo June 2008
"When I first met joik,
I mean the very moment I realized with my body and soul what joik really is,
I started sensing the coming to knowing from another perspective.
I became aware of a different way to perceive the world.
I understood the difference between being separate from nature and that of being inseparable – a part of – to be connected.
Joik is not ABOUT – it IS.
An amplification of relationships.
A direct connection with no beginnings or ends.
A circular conversation."
25.October 2008, Kunstkvarteret Lofoten
Seminar curated by Eva Bakkeslett in collaboration with Kunstkvarteret Lofoten featuring Maasai artist Riziki Kateya, Eirik G. Jansen, Dr. Philos in Social Anthropology and cultivator Eva Bakkeslett.
People define nature as a resource. What does this really mean?
Has profit replaced sustainable management and have we lost our respect and humility for the beauty of nature? How is it possible to approach nature with new eyes and review our present attitude of seeing nature merely as source for human explotation? This seminar will look at ethical and aesthetical perspectives on this subject in Norway and Tanzania, through the eyes of two artists and one social anthropologist.
during the Research Open Days (Forskningsdagene,
Oslo, September 2008.
Workshop aimed at children between 4 and 12 about visioning the future. All the stories about the devastating effects of climate change can be paralyzing, and we wanted to go beyond the fright and reach out to catch glimpses of the children´s hopes and wishes for the earth. We created an environment to inspire new perspectives, with a great selection of books looking at the earth from a micro and macro view, a corner of cushions to think and read and a table of two microscopes and things to look at like leaves and bark and moss. " It is a landscape on Mars!" - one boy said while gazing at a piece of birch bark.
We also had a selection of "fly eye specs" to inspire future vision. People wrote their wishes on multi-coloured strips of cloth and tied it onto an ashtree that finally was planted in a park in Oslo by the mayor and a group of children.