To communicate climate-change is a matter of transforming our very thinking and changing our actions. This was the focus for my collaboration with PLAN, an interdisciplinary project researching the potentials and limits of adaptation as a response to climate change.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
To communicate climate-change is a matter of transforming our very thinking and changing our actions. This was the focus for my collaboration with PLAN, an interdisciplinary project researching the potentials and limits of adaptation as a response to climate change.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Local Food - how to make it happen

Book launch: Totnes (Devon) on October 1st, and another in London on the 13th of October.

Forskningstorget i Tromsø 2009 - FORVANDLINGER/TRANSFORMATIONS
Sustainability and adaptation are the two main threads running through the PLAN-project stand during the Research-days in Tromsø. I am collaborating to make a "transformation" tent and two mind-maps for expansion, playing and thinking about ways of transforming our thinking and actions in order to create sustainable futures for all living creatures on this planet.
18.09.2009 from 11:00-15:00 and 19.09.2009 from 11:00-15:00
Marketsquare in Tromsø
Cafédialogue about vibrant communities
It is clear that the big economical, ecological and cultural challenges we are facing today cannot be solved within the framework of our current thinking. In this project we are focusing on the potential for development of a more integrated society. We want to contribute to rising new questions that opens up long-term, global solutions applicable to local and regional levels.
Det er i dag stor forståelse for at mange av de økonomiske, økologiske og kulturelle utfordringene samfunnet står overfor, i liten grad lar seg løse innenfor rammene av etablerte tankemønstre.I dette prosjektet retter vi oppmerksomheten mot det store potensialet for utvikling som ligger i å se ulike samfunnssektorer i en større sammenheng. Vi ønsker å bidra til å stille nye spørsmål som åpner for langsiktige og globale løsninger som kan settes ut i livet på lokalt og regionalt nivå.
Speakers/Inviterte innledere:
Dag Andersen - Redaktør, forfatter og planlegger
Eva Bakkeslett - Kunstner og skribent
Georg Hegglund - Salten Regionråd
Vidar Rune Synnevåg - Økobonde og arkitekt
Berit Woje Berg - Politiker
Øystein Nystad
Ove Jakobsen
Alchemy in Berlin

Alchemy was showing at the Globians Doc Festival in Berlin on Thursday, 13 August 2009.